Monday, 5 May 2014

Is Hackney's Tech City driving house price rises?

A new build apartment block towers over the derelict Woodberry Down Estate in Hackney. Photo by Jack Millner 

Figures from the Land Registry Price Index in February showed that house prices in Hackney are rising faster than any other London borough, with a 17% increase on last year's prices. 

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Q&A with editor of Ampp3d Martin Belam

Martin Belam is editor of Ampp3d, a project by The Mirror that uses data journalism and visualisation to tell stories in a clear, concise and fun way. The site is designed to be viewed on mobile devices, and experimentation with visuals have fuelled some debate online about accuracy. Here he discusses this tension between accuracy and clarity in data driven journalism.

Saturday, 26 April 2014

World Bank borrowing and lending 2013

Unemployment rates of US states

Here is a map of the United States. The darker the blue, the higher the unemployment rate. Mouse over the states to see their unemployment percentage.

Moyes: Twitter reaction

Here's some more of what Twitter thinks about Moyes.

I've grabbed a few thousand tweets from ScraperWiki, a tool which makes scraping twitter easy, with a few limitations. 

Here's a word cloud of the content:

Here is a map of where people are tweeting from. Click on the dots to read the tweet!

How to scrape using OutWit Hub

Outwit Hub is a great tool for getting data from webpages for non programmers. Let's have a look at how to use it.

First grab yourself a free version of the software by downloading it from here.

Problem solving with spreadsheets: how to turn a list into a running total (and have a laugh at David Moyes' expense)

As a follow up to my post about scraping websites using where I scraped data about the most successful premier league football teams, I decided to make the data tell a better story than a simple bar chart of total league titles, which looked like this: